Educational resources

Below are a variety of resources and topics that address many concerns and questions People with Parkinson's and their caregivers have about the disease. These resources provide information, guidance, living well and tips for coping with Parkinson's. 

To open a resource topic, click on the topic you are interested in to dropdown, click the red text to open the printable page.  

  • Calming the nervous system and nourishing the mind, body, and spirit for restored focus and balance in times of uncertainty

    1) Reconnect through the 5 senses, (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste), to the basics of home within yourself and the world around you.

    Contemplative Meditative Practice:

    Begin by taking 3 long, slow, deep cleansing breaths and relaxing your body from the inside out from head to toes. 

    Next either with or without a journal, ask yourself the following question, noticing any thoughts, feelings, emotions or sensations that may arise, without judgment.

    What do I need to nourish myself (or How can I best nourish myself) physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually today?

    Mindful Momentum Moment:

    Begin by giving yourself a few deep breaths.

    Next with a sense of childlike curiosity, allow your awareness to meet 3 things you hear, 3 things you see, and 3 things you feel.

    2) Reevaluate your current everyday routine, allowing openness for implementing any appropriate adjustments for more joy and peace in the process.

    Contemplative Meditative Practice:

    Begin by taking 3 long, slow, deep cleansing breaths and relaxing your body from the inside out from head to toes. 

    Next either with or without a journal, ask yourself the following two-part question, noticing any thoughts, feelings, emotions or sensations that may arise, without judgment. 

    What is really important in my life?  What is it adding to my life (or how is it enhancing my life)?

    Mindful Momentum Moment:

    Begin by giving yourself a few deep breaths.

    Next with a sense of gratitude, bring to mind a time when you felt loved, appreciated and/or pure bliss and joy, allowing those feelings to wash over and reach every cell of your being.  

    Now allow your awareness to meet any changes in breathing, bodily sensations and/or overall mood and energy level.   

    3) Rebalance your outer journey with your inner compass (gut feelings); and your rest and digest Parasympathetic Nervous System.  

    Contemplative Meditative Practice:

    Begin by taking 3 long, slow, deep cleansing breaths and relaxing your body from the inside out from head to toes. 

    Next either with or without a journal, ask yourself the following two-part question, noticing any thoughts, feelings or sensations that may arise, without judgment.

    How does harmony look, feel, sound, smell and taste for me?

    Mindful Momentum Moment:

    Practice of any one of the following 3 breaths for 1-2 minutes:

    1. Long, Slow, Deep Breathing-Inhaling slowly and fully, exhaling deeply and completely

    2. Heart Centered breathing-Placing one or both hands over your heart space, then see, feel or imagine breathing in and out of that area.

    3. Alternate Nostril Breathing-Covering the right nostril and inhaling through the left nostril, then covering the left nostril and exhaling through the right nostril.  Then inhaling through the right nostril, then covering the right nostril and exhaling through the left nostril.